Forensic Family Services
Forensic Family Services is a comprehensive assessment, diagnostic and treatment center that can provide assistance to persons involved with the legal system. In addition to our counseling services, we also provide forensic evaluation and treatment services, and we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS).
The director of Forensic Family Services is Dr. Barry Brody. Dr. Brody is a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 35 years of experience in providing counseling services to individuals, couples, families, children and groups. Dr. Brody is a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He has comprehensive training and experience in conducting child custody evaluations and has testified frequently as an expert witness in court on such issues as child custody, visitation, Parental Alienation Syndrome, domestic violence and abuse. Dr. Brody has been qualified as an expert in both state and federal court. He has also written two chapters for the recently published International Handbook of Parental Alienation Syndrome, and is recognized as an expert on Parental Alienation Syndrome.
Dr. Brody specializes in treating marriage problems, domestic violence, relationship problems and children’s issues. He has also worked extensively with individuals in treating problems associated with relationships, parenting and life stressors. Dr. Brody’s therapeutic interests and community awareness led him to create Forensic Family Services with its mission of providing quality forensic and therapeutic services.
Forensic Services
- Complete and Comprehensive Child Custody Evaluations
- Assessment of Allegations of Parental Alienation Syndrome
- Assessment of Allegations of Sexual Abuse
- Assessment of Allegations of Domestic Violence
- Evaluations pertaining to Visitation Issues
- Reunification Therapy
- Treatment of Parental Alienation Syndrome
- Supervised Visitation Services
- Supervised Therapeutic Visitation Services
- Dependency Hearings
- Evaluations Pertaining to Juvenile Court Proceedings
Please contact Dr. Brody at (386) 755-1720 or via email at for more information.